28 January 2010

My Creative Space

This morning I came across Kootoyoo and her collection of creative spaces.
So I've spent all my procrastination time this morning checking out all the links.
It's such a lovely idea!

My week has been a mix of projects.
The other day I bought some new thread and so I've been busy crocheting Syrian Loops in old and new colours. This afternoon I'm going to try and bead them all ... but maybe I'm being a little over ambitious!?
I've also been working on a lighting plan and paint colours for a beautiful beach house I'm lucky enough to be designing in Australia.

27 January 2010

26 January 2010

25 January 2010

Green Cameo

I've always had a soft spot for cameos ever since mum gave me a little one she had in her jewelry box. It was a carving of a woman's profile in cream and apricot.
Cameo's always seemed so ancient and romantic to me and I imagined that the little woman around my neck had one been made as a portrait for a loved one, like carrying a photograph.

22 January 2010


The weather's been so grey this week that it's been impossible for me to photograph what I've been working to show you.
I miss the summer sun.
A week of white skies and cold weather can really get you down : (
This afternoon I was looking through some photographs from last year to remind me what it's like.
It's really hard to remember the long hot (sometimes a little too hot) Spanish summer days right now ... sigh.

Hopefully I'll be able to show you some new things on Monday.

Happy week end : )

21 January 2010

Ayala Bar

I have only just discovered Ayala Bar quite recently.
If you haven't heard of her (like me a few months ago) she is one of Israel's leading costume jewelry designers and is know in particular for her beautifully coloured mosaic style.
My friends Sam and Emma introduced me to her work while visiting us at the end of last year, after a trip to Israel.

The thing I love the most about the jewelry of Ayala Bar is her use of textiles.

I've been looking around on the internet (not always the most reliable source of information) and this is what I've found out.

Ayala Bar was born and still lives in Israel.
She went to art school and later worked in theatre and interior design.
It was not until the late 80's that she became a jewelry designer starting her own company Ayala Bar Design in the 90's.

Her jewelry is all designed by the artist herself and is all hand made.
It includes elements such as embellished jeweled pendents, hand-sewn embroidered beads, fabric, tassels, simple metals, glass beads, mineral stones, crystal rhinestones ... the list goes on.

She seems to put out a few collections per year (I think it's four this year) each with a different concept and within these are earrings, brooches, necklaces and bracelets. These collections are never repeated.

Her advise to new designers is:
"Never ever stop playing, and not to be limited with concepts. The actual process is the way, whether it is successful or not, whether it turns up popular or not. If and when the creativity does result in accomplishment and/or critical acclaim, one should not surrender to the feeling of comfort. Such an attitude may result in loss of creativity".

20 January 2010

Crochet Ball

Above is a diagram showing the pattern to crochet over a 13mm ball ...
but for this design I think that it's easier to follow the written instructions rather than the diagram, as you could go insane trying to keep count of all those single crochets!

For me crocheting over a bead is quite an organic process. Basically I do the same thing every time no matter on the size of the bead, just adding single crochets here and there as needed.

The Pattern

You will need
Crochet hook (I use a 1mm)
Thread (I have used Anchor Pearl 12#)
Bead (in this case it has a diameter of 13mm more or less)
sewing needle to sew in ends

To Make
Ch 6, join. (when the chain is joined you want the circle to be just big enough so it's comfortable to work in no more).
Row 1. ch 1. 8sc around in a circle. join to first sc.
Row 2.Ch1. {2sc in next sc} repeat 7 more times. Join to first sc.
Row 3. Sc in each sc around the circle.
Row 4. {2sc in the next sc. sc in both next sc} repeat 4 more times. 2 sc in next sc.
Row 5. sc in each sc around the circle.
Row 6. Repeat row 5.
Row 7. Repeat row 5.
Row 8. Repeat row 5.
Row 9. Repeat row 5.
Row 10. Repeat row 5.
Row 11. Repeat row 5.
Row 12. Repeat row 5.
Row 13. Repeat row 5.
Row 14. Repeat row 5.
(as you go fit the bead into the little basket which is forming checking its size. When it looks more or less like in the image below, thread the beginning thread through the hole in the centre of the bead)

Row 15. (with the bead inside) Sc in first sc. {skip one sc. sc in next two sc}. repeat this around the circle.
Row 16. SC in first sc. {Skip sc. Sc in next sc}. Repeat around circle until the hole in the top is quite small (see below).

Lastly sew in ends, further closing the hole at the top.

Note: Use this as a basic pattern to start with and then when your comfortable with it just add or subtract single crochets where necessary.

After the first one it's very simple.
Align Center
enjoy : )

19 January 2010


I came across this beautiful crochet lamp shade yesterday on the blog NICE by Caitlin Holcomb
It is made from a mix of new and old crochet doilies and hung from a timber frame, which looks like it has a flower pattern or five circles cut into it.

I really like it! It's such a great idea and it looks as if it gives off a really lovely light!

She also has an etsy shop here with lots more lovely things.

18 January 2010

Burnt Orange Flowers

I'm really loving small crochet balls at the moment!

Here are some new crochet earrings and matching necklace inspired by the colours in the photo of the gypsy girls and some new burnt orange flower beads.

15 January 2010

The Elephants

Here are a couple of little things I made as presents before Christmas using the tiny screen printed elephants.

14 January 2010


Hello 2010!

I'm back after the long Spanish Christmas (that lasts from the 24th Dec to the 6 Jan!), completely stuffed and over indulged ... ready for detox and exercise, please.

I've posted the two image above of the Spanish Gypsy girls and woman (taken from the National Geographic Magazine March 1917) as I've been using them as a colour reference.
I find these images so beautifully fascinating, the colours remind me of the tiles in the Alhambra.

Some new things.

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