23 August 2010


I've been I bit absent lately, spending all my free hours making and leaving no energy or head space for blogging.
But last Friday I did take some new photos to show you a few of the things I've been working on (you can see more on my flickr page by clicking here).

Below is the poster for the Nomada Market which I will be participating in this October.
I'm very excited that I got a space in the upcoming event as it's a really popular/busy market in the centre of Madrid, which is on every few months.
So I'm going to busy up until then :)


  1. i can imagine the time you're spending on those true lttle wonders! the patience. they look fragile, your earrings! very beautiful.
    good luck on your stall!

  2. beautiful blog, beautiful work...
    ...enhorabuena !!
