25 February 2010

My Creative Space ...

Everything on my desk is very orange at the moment.

I finally bought the gorgeous Buccaneer Booties pattern from Mamachee and have crocheted two pairs so far.
The first pair was a trial run in purple and green wool and the second (above) I made using cotton in anticipation of summer.
It's so relaxing to sit back and follow a well written crochet pattern.
I'm enjoying making them so much that today I'm going to go into Plaza Major and buy some more colours ... they're so cute!

I'm still very much into making beads to crochet around using cold porcelain.
So far they're just droplets of different sizes but recently I was introduced by Anna to the inspiring work of Louise Weaver and now I'm dreaming of what else I could do ...

To see many many more Creative Spaces visit kootoyoo

24 February 2010


I finished off these bird necklaces this week and have been slowly photographing them in the rare moments that the sun shines in my window.

They are now available in my Etsy shop.

23 February 2010

Pink & Grey crochet Necklace

A new necklace made with small grey crochet beads with a pink flower cameo and vintage glass pink jewel.

19 February 2010

Smokey quartz

Some new crochet ball earrings to match one of the long bird necklaces.
I caught a tiny bit of sun today to take this photo, there hasn't been much this week.
Come on Spring!

18 February 2010

My Creative Space

This morning I'm crocheting a grey motif for a necklace like the one a made a few months ago. At the same time I'm jotting down the pattern so I can post it (after I've rewritten it in an intelligible format).

Yesterday I made some sourdough for the first time since last summer and this morning (while I check all the creative spaces over at kootoyoo) I'm having a breakfast of coffee and sourdough toast with oil and salt (the Spanish Vegemite?)
I have to remember to make it more often. It's so good!

17 February 2010

Caramel Drops

This week I've been working more with the Cold Porcelain.
To make these earrings I modeled two long drops and then crocheted around them. It's quite time consuming but I think it's worth it.

They are made to match with the long black& cream cameo necklace and will be available soon in my etsy shop, which after a long break is now up and running.

16 February 2010


I'm not really I knitter.
The last time I picked up a pair of knitting needles I spent a whole Melbourne winter knitting half a leg warmer, after which I decided that knitting wasn't for me.
But, this winter I've seen so many lovely knitted scarfs and gloves around that I've decided to give it another try.
Hopefully using this thick wool and fat needles this little project will be finished within the week and my enthusiasm for knitting will be restored!
We'll see how it goes.

15 February 2010

Inspiration: Veerle Maes

Last week the very thoughtful Sandra from zsazsazsu's kralen en draden introduced me to the crochet of Veerle Maes and it was such a lovely surprise!
Her work is stunning, such a rich collection of colour and texture. I can only imagine the many hours of work that go into each of her creations.

The images above are from her 2010 gallery, you can click on each image to see more.
Sandra's work is also gorgeous! You can see her current range here.

12 February 2010

Green Crochet Drops

Last weekend I was introduced to a new craft called Cold Porcelain.
It's a technique that uses a white modeling dough to (typically) make very realistic porcelain flower arrangements.
So last Sunday I spent the afternoon trying to model some ... without success.
The dough in the image above was made for me so I'm not exactly sure how to make it ... next lesson. I do know it can be made in a variety of ways and the one above consists of white bread (without crusts) and two other ingredients equally as bad for you (glycerin and ?).
This week I found out it's also very good for making shapes to crochet around.
These green crochet drops are my first attempt.

11 February 2010

My Creative Space ...

This week I've been working on some new bird pendants.
I haven't been able to finish them all as I've run out of chain and settings, but this is them so far.
I have some liquid resin hopefully in the mail on its way to me, which I bought with a new crochet project in mind.
I would also like to make my own illustrated pendents with it (like the ones above).
I'll keep you posted.

You can see more creative spaces at kootoyoo

10 February 2010

Inspiration: Mamachee

Mamachee is a shop on etsy that sells the coolest crochet patterns!
I've been restraining myself from purchasing one (or two or...) for quite a while now, at least until I have some time to make something new.

She also has another etsy shop called Born With It, which includes very cute crochet toys and baby things.

09 February 2010


Over the weekend I found and started a new colour on my crochet blanket.
There weren't really many colours to choose from (I think I've almost used their whole range) and in the end a darker blue wasn't an option.
So the plan is one more round of light and dark green hexagons and then to finish off with plain light green (olive).

To start with I wanted the light olive as the outer colour but after a trial I decided that it was a bit weak, so I have gone the other way.
Also in olive is this new tree pendent necklace with small crochet balls.

04 February 2010

My Creative Space ...

Included in my Christmas parcel from mum and dad was an embroidered hair tie.
I love it so much and I wear it every day!
It's such a great concept that this week I made my own crochet versions.
To start with I made the same sort of thing but as a brooch and when I track down some good quality hair elastics I'll make some ties as well.
I am also working on some small crochet flower hair pins.

Still on my desk is this crochet ball necklace, which I've been plodding through for the last week or so. I started with so much enthusiasm but lost it quite quickly, as it's really slow and tedious work.
I'm trying to complete two balls a day so I make it to the end.

Over my morning cup of tea today I visited a whole lot of beautiful & interesting Creative Spaces.
You can visit them too via Kootoyoo.

03 February 2010

new colours

The beading took me a little bit longer than I thought as it's quite fiddly and tough on the fingers, but finally here they are ... Syrian Loops in some new colours + my favorite greys.

I still haven't been to check out the wool range in at Plaza Mayor, so I haven't started on the next colour of my crochet rug ... So far I'm liking the idea of a darker blue or an olive green.

01 February 2010

Blue Hexagons

Over the weekend I finally finished the row of blue hexagons on my crochet blanket.
I've pretty much decided to go for one more round before I square it off, as then it would be the perfect size to fit on the bed.
The only thing is that I really like the blue and in a way I want to finish the blanket with it.
So because of this I'm still a little undecided.
I'm going to have to go into the wool shop and have a look at the possible next colours and then make the final decision.

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